Monday, December 19, 2022



I would like to present the following issues, understanding that, what I refer to as 
"extreme" , " persecution" and " line of concentration"  are war atrocities.should you need clarification, contact the Office of I telligence and the Department of Defense, hell, X - files : 

1. There is an extreme hate, belief, prejudice development that has been working its way within europolitics since the clinton administration;

2. This trend has led to extensive persecution of all citizens, in particular US by way of line of concentration;

3. that this line has been decried, today, as engaged in by georgia miloni, and cohorts, who seized power in Italia on 9.25.2022 and 
has been using nazi terminology and greetings in the latest europarliament meet regarding the next budget;

4. that the intention of 3. is to seize ALL CITIZENS who she refers to as 
"disadapted" , citizens with psychological/ psychiatric  issues, even in the US and mass murder them : won.t you join that particular bandwagon. 

as a consequence I think it.s best to veer toward cannabis/ vitamin B and opium and  derivatives,  found by writers such as William Burroughs as having the least deleterious effect on human biology with the exception of addiction- for treatment of situations such as PTSD and involve the FDA in banning neuroleptics for damage done to the neurological system. thorazine was; 


engage citizens in education on war atrocities, to effectively  counteract them;


to declare   euthanasia, voluntary and involuntary, extraconstitutional, and redistrict US territory in states that have allowed for such legislation to pass,with the urgency this situation entails.


insure if needed home care doesn.t wear its scrubs outdoors or clunk a person with a residential address to seize its lodgings for a future sliding ease in blitzkriegging the US


I just don.t want to hear it ANYMORE.

good job on the trend for reduced stay in hospitals, 

Season.s Greetings,

Alex Maffei

Friday, November 18, 2022


fraud, publishing: 

code: calamandrei, piero: the rosetta stone of complicated relationships within writers, publishers and straightforward textual alterations to claim author was anything and everything other than he was, to insert lynch mob pleasers sharing views and genocidal ops against the name: Piero Calamandrei, or, earlier, Dante Alighieri


refused fascist citizenship, antifascist during world war two, intellectual, lectured Harvard University.

just like indro montanelli, a fascist  journalist was ripristinated as communist during the berlusconi maastricht univocal, and now shows fascists resembling him at Rainews24, now Calamandrei as a name, to kill and alter writings of constitutionalist , egalitarian writers is making an appearance.

Please cut n paste and pass on to ALL PUBLISHERS WORLD WIDE.

this is EPOCHAL, since they started using scottish last names for intellectual theft,  crown coupist.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


STATE FARM INSURANCE: BIGGEST FRAUDULENT HOME INSURANCE ON THE MARKET 1. has agents pile up in neighboring houses involved in extreme prejudice and belief to create docs of false culpability of policy my case albernas and smolanik, bayside/ auburndale area; 2. Refuses to honor claims; 3. Issues checks in name of false probate estate letter of administrator claimants to defraud substances and persons of claimant relatives. zones, coordinating process: arizona; texas.

Friday, June 24, 2022



Montauk/ East Hampton area : in danger of terrorist attack by george w bush, prince william - coordinated by auburndale area locals - 196.40 45th avenue, auburndale nyc ny 11358, 37/39; 36; 32; 27/29. Also a slew of tenants unknown on first floor of my property at 4646 bell blvd bayside nyc ny 11361 - please sue.  Not paying rent since 2018 because of realtor manny adimiketakis/ adikimenakis at remax 159 northern blvd great neck ny who refuses to forward payment of trespassers he planted in my home from December to may and those mentioned at 4646 bell. The latter spied through a line of concentration on my reading montauk chamber of commerce vacation guide 2022 - please call the dept of defense - this is done to damage community and it's standards of living.these are mostly slavists cannibals extremely dangerous- child kidnappers and worse. 

They along with bush will claim I engage in terrorism and " have a base in montauk" .bush is already networking with like-minded locals that want to sho upot me to kill me.unknown reason for such persecution. done nothing to determine any action that could elicit such sentiments. their agenda, no one else.s. 

Thank you for putting me on your mailing list - I love the area, and the people living there. Montauk.s landscape is one of the most beautiful and emotionally resonant ever experienced. 

Since these attacks  are meant to destroy your independence, business and peace of mind, please contact both congress for legislative action and the Department of Defense: your livelihood and lives are at risk. And, from what I can witness even those who back bush and this terrorist team are ruined from the get go: they get corraled into prisons,used as slaves and can values regardless of their own cannibalization of others and real property or financial frauds. It must just be a mindset trying to impose on the world. The worst since yesterday is 196.40 45th ave: they use a multiple murder and cannibal six year old fed a line by the 111NYPD  precinct.s captain, portolatin to act like a lookout, tried to stun and abduct me at a local 7/11, expressed such sentiments as wanting the keys to my front door, me as their slave, under threat of death, and worse. 

Please stay safe. And insure your safety and financial wellbeing through the Dept of Defense. There is no reason your summer should be harmed by these should see the willed state of these enemy combatant homes: riddled with infrastructural caved inner wall air-conditioning units that distribute bacteria, have grounds full of biohazardous invasive plants - I started cleaning my yard in March, filled trash bags of  invasive plants, and worked grueling hours often from 6.00am to 2.00pm. even today it took me from 6.00am to 11.00am to rid roses of a fungus that suffocated them. I checked the internet and applied one tablespoon of baking soda, added hydrogen peroxide,used a 100% antibacterial nia soap solution as a binder- applied once.It was a pleasure to see black rot diminish and return the leaves to green. I wasn.t able to spray all,the sun was burning here by 10.00/11.00 am, but did water all plants involved,including two persimmon trees with a similar solution without the soapy binder.

In love and peace, Alex Maffei .

Monday, May 9, 2022

Invasive Plants

 did you know yellow irises are invasive? yours are neon green irises, blue irises are not, yellow irises are. and white petaled, yellow centered daisies, leuco something. wiped out 48 or my sweet smelling mint plants by scrum accum.

this is also gross: kudzu looks like an oxalis - irish clover - plant at first, then weeds and kills by targeting another plant.s root system and taking it over by eating it alive. There are some invasive root species that look like grass reed that grow straight down up to a point - about 3 inches the grow at any canny 90 degree syrian diaspora prison complex angle in a perfect horizontal invasive line. spooky. Invasive plants often resemble the plant they attack. Invasive are also responsible, here in the US, of the disappearance of 45,000.00 species.

Since April, ammassed about thirty + 30 gallon trash bags of same. 

dragon.s blood - horizontal ground cover, beautiful,small succulent leaves pointed, is imitated by a vertically growing weed with same shape, but flat leaves. Sick with overwork,  you.ll uproot both, I guess.

Saturday, May 7, 2022


BODY OF DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMPLAINT 158366 BMJ - 5.7.2022 documenting plan to cannibal run me on 5.15.2022 and last will and testament, should anything happen. download was blocked.

After inspector general female agent, days ago,said on the phone " I.ll shoot you,you Jew." , at community council , 111 precinct, NYPD, a bearded to young male, fried, president of council, and portolatin discussed shooting me.IG agent from back yard of white home on 44th ave, portolatin captain of 111 precinct, who thinks he.s related to maria leon by "race" bearded from 196.40 45th - invited  de grou cannibals- my mother.s family as well to cannibalize me on a " nigger run"for him the n word means servant.  They want me to turn my real and other property to them , rent to who they want " or we.ll cannibalize you in public" .this is to happen on 5.15.2022, or any other 15 date given me of removal to another location by second floor trespasser, younger adult female. I can.t wait to have my home back. also this behavior is highly aberrant in this area.

my property is being invaded by a brothel at 4646 bell blvd, bayside nyc,ny - the original 2018  tenants gone , but same arrangement by remax 159 northern blvd.they still, after being fired on 12.17.2021, have not returned keys, documents, money, or my mother.s tax doc,necessary for compilation if taxes for 2021, in June - I requested an extension, it.s 5 me nths,sent remax a letter, which did not receive a reply. Under no circumstance will I comply with this war atrocity act. If anything happens, I want all real property connected to my father, Vincent Maffei, my mother,Emilia Maffei, myself, Alexandra Maffei to be turned into city gardens, or/ and before, an area clean out housed on my mentioned real property , used as study posts of local terrorism by   Dept of Defense, and other Depts of Defense, sharing a solid success rate of high Constitutional commitment in actions against all enemy combatants with aims to destroy egalitarian,independent, and free governments.  

Thanks, Alex Maffei